Synchronizing Work orders/Variation orders
Work orders are used by all customers running Next while variation orders are optional to use. Variation orders are a special version of a workorder with focus on correctional or additional work. From a technical perspective work orders and variation orders are very similar, especially on row/line level.
Variation orders are also called "additional work orders" and the Swedish term for both are "ÄTA"
Header level
On header level, work orders (WO) and variation orders (VO) are split into different endpoints in the API. For example:
- This is the endpoint for getting a specific work order header: workorder/{workorder_id}
- A specific variation order header: additionalworkorder/{workorder_id}
Row level
On row level, there is no split, one endpoint is used to get both WO and VO rows: workorderrow/
To keep work order and variation order rows apart you can use the field called addition
(If false = work order and if true = variation order) which exists in the response. However, most often it is the id of the row that is used as identifier and this will always be unique.
Start and end date
If work orders/variation orders are exported as projects rather than an accounting dimensions to the external system, it is recommended that they get their start/end date from the data on project level in Next. For example startdate
and enddate
in this endpoint.
Updated 4 months ago