Export accounting information

In Next there are two different ways of handling invoice accounting information that is needed for updating the accounts receivable and the ledger in the accounting system.

Setup without invoice accounting in Next

The customer will create one or more articles in the accounting system to be used for the integration. The article will hold information such as which revenue account should be used when the invoice is booked.

All reported time, material and other costs booked against a project will be connected to a cost account in the chart of accounts in Next and for each cost account it is possible to register an external article number and an external vat code.

When the invoice is generated all invoice rows will hold information about the cost account, which can be used to fetch invoicearticleno and vatcode.

Setup with invoice accounting in Next

When invoice accounting is activated it is possible to set up rules inside Next to decide which revenue- and balance accounts should be used when generating invoices. This can be done under Administration/Invoice accounting

In this setup, the customerinvoice/row endpoint is of less interest from an integration perspective. Instead it is the endpoints customerinvoice/accounting and customerinvoice/specification that should be used. When a customer invoice is generated the accounting endpoint will hold information about the information needed for updating the ledger whilst the specification will hold information that can be used to generate invoice rows in the accounting system. However, the invoice specification table was primarily developed for the Swedish market to handle tax reduction invoices (see separate heading) hence it might not be of interest for other markets.

In the customerinvoice/accounting there will be three types of rows corresponding to the rows presented in Next under Invoice/Invoice accounting/Show accounting result:

  • Revenue rows with account no and the dimensions that has been ticked under Invoice Accounting Dimension.
  • Vat rows with turnover and turnover account no. Account no is fetched from the Vat table under Admin/Accounting/Vat. Vat flag will always be true for these but they will never have a project.
  • Account receivable rows with account no and the dimensions that has been ticked under Invoice Accounting Dimension. Debit flag will always be true for these rows.

To only fetch revenue rows, ask for rows where debit==false && vat==false.