Importing work orders rows


Work order rows can only be posted to existing orders in Next. It is therefore important to make sure that the work order or variation order is created before trying to post vouchers.

To be able to leverage the built in logic for framework contract, project and/or customer specific prices all articles should have a unique codeno in the price list registry and no price should be specified when posting the rows to Next.

There are a number of fields that are only applicable for customers running the configuration for payoff such as commissionpercent, factorypricelistid, ispayoff, payoffunitprice and resourceid. Make sure to ignore these fields if payoff is not used.


The following limitations apply to the handling of work order rows

  • No support for handling the flow to generate work order rows based on row level interpretation for incoming supplier invoices.
  • No support for stating which price list should be used for fetching price. If the customer has multiple price lists containing articles with the same code this means that an exact match cannot be made.

How it works

When order rows are posted to Next, the follow logic will apply

  1. If the server can match codeno with an article in the article registry and one of the following field does not have a value when posted, the information will be fetched from the registry
    1. Price unit
    2. Price unit pricelist (if price unit is fetched from price list this field will display which one)
    3. Cost unit
    4. Cost unit pricelist (if cost unit is fetched from price list this field will display which one)
    5. Payoff unit (if correct criterias applies)
    6. Payoff unit pricelist (if payoff unit is fetched from price list this field will display which one)
    7. Bonus (if correct criterias applies)
  2. If no price is specified when posting a row (priceunit is null), price will be fetched from the pricelist registry in Next based on codeno and according to built in logic for framework contract, project and customer specific prices.
    1. If there are more than 1 article with the same codeno the first hit will be retrieved.
    2. Price will be fetched acording to following priority
      1. Project specific price
      2. Framework contract
      3. Customer specific price
  3. If a price is specified when posting a row (also applies if priceunit is '0'), the given price will be set without regard to built in logic for framework contract, project and customer specific prices.

In addition to the above logic the following needs to kept in mind when integrating

  • If rows are created for calculating costs plannedquantity should be used instead of usedquantity
  • If rows are created that should not be shown in the mobile client showinmobile should be set to false.
  • If rows are created that should not be picked for customer invoices chargable should be set to false.