Synchronizing Customers and Suppliers
Create and synchronize customers and suppliers
- Next or external application can be master
- If OCR should be used for customer invoices,
is mandatory - If reversed contractor VAT (omvänd byggmoms) should be used on customer invoices,
is mandatory
Customer vs supplier in Next
A customer in Next can be both a customer and a supplier. To determine whether a customer is also a supplier when working with /customer/ endpoints, the field called isalsosupplier
can be used. However there is no corresponding field called "isalsocustomer" when working with /supplier/ endpoints.
Number length
Customer numbers in Next can vary in length depending on how they are generated. If the customer number is:
- generated by Next it will always have a fixed length of 6 digits with zero-filling, for example 001234, 001235.
- entered manually by the user it will be saved according to the input without zero-filling, for example 1234, 1235
If the customer number is required to have a fixed length in an external system, the logic for this needs to be handled by the integration.
Supplier sync
Synchronization of suppliers is mainly relevant for customers using the Procurement and/or Next E-invoice modules.
- If Procurement is activated it is recommended that Next is master since suppliers must be created in Next
- If Next E-invoice is activated it is recommended that Next is master. It is also recommended that E-invoice is activated before importing suppliers to Next to make sure that all suppliers are exported to the external scanning central that are handling the interpretation of incoming invoices.
Both customers and suppliers can have one or many contacts.
Example endpoints: /supplier/{supplier_id}/contacts/ - /customer/{customer_id}/contacts/
Contacts can be associated with a number of modules such as project, work order, variation order, procurement and customer invoice.
For the Swedish market the customer contacts and its related tables are also used for tax reduction administration.
Updated 4 months ago