Fetching data

Can I get the response data sorted?

No, we don't have support for that. You will have to sort on your end if that is important to you.

Can I filter what data I get?

Yes. Please see our documentation: https://next-tech.readme.io/docs/filtering

I don't get the data I expect when I use filters, what is wrong?

Please check the documentation for the field you try to filter on. If the field is an integer, you need to supply an integer to the filter. Likewise you need to supply date and datetimes in the correct format: https://next-tech.readme.io/docs/formats-and-encoding

Error messages from Next Project API

EndpointHTTP CodeError messageReasonFix
POST /voucher/row/400The value '4010' in the field 'accountno' does not match a valid record in the Account endpoint.There is no account with account number 4010 in Next ProjectAdd an account with the missing account number using endpoint POST /account/
All403access_deniedAPI was called during server maintenance, release of new Next Project version.
Please see https://next-tech.readme.io/docs/planned-downtime
Try again later.

Ignore these errors, and configure your integration to not call Next Project API during this time.
All403access_deniedAccess token has become invalid.Log in to Next Project Client with the Next Project user that was supplied during setup. Create a new one time key. Use one time key to generate a new access token: https://next-tech.readme.io/docs/generate-an-access-token
All403Access denied to module.API was called during release of new Next Project version. Please see https://next-tech.readme.io/docs/planned-downtime Try again later.
PUT /workorderrow/{workorderrow_id}400Not allowed to edit or delete invoiced rowsThe record that is trying to be changed has been included on an invoice that has already been sent to a customer. Change is not allowed.Report back to user that caused the change if necessary. Otherwise, do nothing.

If the record you want to edit has the invoiceid field set, it will not be possible to change the record.
"detail": {
"loc": [
"msg": "Not a valid filter for ProjectGET Schema",
"type": "format"
The request is wrong, and cannot be processed. "loc" signifies where request is wrong. filter_str means that the filter is the issue. Please refer to the documentation for the endpoint you have called to double check that the field types you have provided are correct: https://next-tech.readme.io/reference/get_project_project**project_id**get
That you use the correct syntax for filtering: https://next-tech.readme.io/docs/filtering, and that you use the correct format for data: https://next-tech.readme.io/docs/formats-and-encoding