Export image/PDF
Export customer invoice picture
A picture of the actual invoice can be fetched using: /customerinvoice/{customerinovice_id}/pdf/
If you only want a picture of the actual invoice in the obtained PDF, and not include all attachments linked to the invoice, set the input parameter include_attachments
to false - it defaults to true.
If include_attachments
is set to true, the following attachments will be included:
- All supplier invoice attachments seen in Next UI under /Invoice/Invoice lines/Invoice attachments/Supplier invoices that have the To invoice column ticked
- All other attachments seen in Next UI under /Invoice/Invoice lines/Invoice attachments/Other invoice attachments that have the To invoice column ticked
Export specific attachments from linked supplier invoices
Next provides the possibility to re-invoice (vidarefakturera) supplier invoices to end-customers. Supplier invoices that have been linked to a customer invoice and contain an attachment will turn up in the following view on the customer invoice:
There are several endpoints for getting these attachments, they will only return rows where the column To invoice has been ticked in Next.
Get data for all linked supplier invoices: /customerinvoice/{customerinvoice_id}/voucherrows/
Get data for specific linked supplier invoice: /customerinvoice/{customerinvoice_id}/voucherrows/{voucherrow_id}
Get PDF attached to specific linked supplier invoice: /customerinvoice/{customerinvoice_id}/voucherrows/{voucherrow_id}/pdf
Export specific other attachments
Various attachments can be uploaded to a customer invoice, they are displayed in this view in Next UI:
Several endpoints exist for reading these attachments, they will only return rows where the column To invoice has been ticked in Next.
Get data for all attachments: customerinvoice/{customerinvoice_id}/attachments/
Get data for specific attachment: /customerinvoice/{customerinvoice_id}/attachments/{attachment_id}
Get file for specific attachment: /customerinvoice/{customerinvoice_id}/attachments/{attachment_id}/file
Updated 4 months ago