Prerequisites for using Next Project API

This page will help you get started with Next Project API. You'll be up and running in a jiffy!

Before you can start interacting with Next you need to register as an integrator with Next and set up authorization in the Next databases that you will interact with.

Register as a NEXT integrator

Before you can start developing integrations against the Next Project API you need to register as an integrator. Please contact us so that we can help you in this process. As a result of your registration, you will receive a client id and a client secret. These credentials are needed you need to log in to a new Next database.

Setup integrator access to the Next databases

To interact with a specific Next database using the API, you need to generate an access token that combines the client id (as from above) with the access rights from a user in the Next database that you want to use.

To accomplish this, you will first need to set up a user in Next that the API will act as. The API will have access to everything that this user has access to, and all interaction with Next through the API will be recorded in Next as being done by this user. The user needs to have the administrative right One Time API Key to be able to generate an API key.

The user that the API will act as should then log in to Next and generate a one-time API key. This can be done under the Administration panel in Next.

  1. Open the administration panel (The Admin button on the very top right)
  2. Select the Integrations tab
  3. Then select the API keys tab
  4. Press the '+'-button to create a new key and give it a name

Keep in mind that this key, as the name implies, is a one-time key. This means that it will be consumed the first time it is used. If something goes wrong in the process you have to generate a new one-time key and try again.