Prerequisites for using Next Project API

To communicate with Next Project API, you need an access token that has to be sent with each HTTP request.

To get an access token you as an integrator first need to go through three steps:

  1. Register as a Next integrator, by you contacting us (only done once)
  2. Connect integrator with customer, by customer contacting us (done once for each customer)
  3. Create one time key in the customer's Next Project instance (done once for each customer)

Register as a Next integrator

You can't register yourself, you have to contact us so that we can help you in this process. As a result of your registration, you will receive a client id and a client secret identifying you as an integrator.

Connect integrator with customer

The customer using Next needs to send a request to us stating that you as an integrator will work for them. When we have received and validated this request, we will create an API user inside their instance.

Create one time key in the customer's Next Project instance

The user that the API will act as should log in to Next and generate a one-time API key. You should have gotten login credentials for this Next Project user in the previous step.

The API will have access to everything that this user has access to, and all interaction with Next through the API will be recorded in Next as being done by this user. The user needs to have been assigned the administrative right One Time API Key in Next to be able to generate an API key.

Do the following:

  1. Log in to Next Project (where XXXXXX is the customer number in Next Project - also known as database number)
  2. Open the administration panel (The Admin button on the very top right)
  3. Select the Integrations tab
  4. Then select the API keys tab
  5. Press the '+'-button to create a new One time api key and give it a name
  6. When the one time key has been used to create an access token it is consumed and cannot be used again, indicated by the "Used" checkbox.

What’s Next

Now you should have: 1) client id 2) client secret 3) database number 4) One time api key - you are ready to generate an access token using this info