- /user/: Added field primarygroupid
- This release only contains internal changes
- Added POST/PUT endpoints for CustomFields
Adjusted how CustomFields are handled
- /voucherrow/: Added fields externaldocumentreference and externaldocumentreferencetype
- Added endpoint: /location/
Added endpoint: /activity/
Added endpoint: /type/account/
Added endpoint: /type/location/
Added endpoint: /type/activity/
/account/: Added field resourcetypeid
/bookedhours/: Added fields activitycode and locationcode
/supplierinvoiceaccounting/: Added fields activitycode and locationcode
/voucherrow/: Added fields activitycode, locationcode, accountgroup
/workorder/: Added fields activitycode and locationcode
/additionalworkorder/: Added fields activitycode and locationcode
/budget/: Added fields activitycode, activitydisplayname, locationcode, locationdisplayname, codeno, itemunitid, quantity, costunit, note, description, changedname, budgethours, accounttypeid, accounttypename,, itemunitname**
/customerinvoice/: Fields changedname and createdname are now optional
/document/*: Fields changedname and createdname are now optional
- /budget/: Removed fields additionalworkordersum, additionalworkordersumtype1, additionalworkordersumtype2, warningcode